Monday, October 15, 2007

stronion smoothies

Yes, in my infinite wisdom, I have committed another blonde blunder. I cut up all my veggies for dinner the other night, and being the thoughtful wife that I am, I decided to go ahead and cut up the strawberries for Mark to make smoothies for dessert later. I gave the cutting board a quick rinse, then capped and sliced the strawberries. I left them on the cutting board for Mark, and went on with dinner. Later, I was doing my homework upstairs and Mark and Alexis assembled our dessert. Alexis brought up a nice, sweet creamy glass for me to enjoy while I slaved away. I took a sip and thought, "This tastes a little funny. Maybe the bananas were a little green." So, I kept drinking it, not reallllly enjoying it, but not wanting to be rude to the chef. When I finally mosied downstairs later, Mark asked me how I liked it. "Oh, it was fine," I lied. "Really?" he asked, "So you like onion flavored strawberry smoothies?" The reality hit me like a brick through a plate glass window. Yes, I had chopped onions on the same cutting board, and my quick rinse had not ridded the board of the insidious onion juice. So, next time you come over, be wary if we serve you smoothies. They may just be our new house specialty: stronion smoothies!


Unknown said...

Yum, another Chris Barone original recipe! JJ.

Unknown said...

Yum, another Chris Barone original recipe! JJ.